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We've visited the world's most important technology exhibitions, always looking for the most exciting technologies and devices, gadgets and accessories. Some of these are already present in our lives on a regular basis, but others have barely discovered them, tested them and liked them.
Whether they are more complicated or simpler, they are useful, funny, passionate, and certainly approaching.
Today our focus is on the mobile technology and the equipment and accessories universe that accompany it and our mission is to bring to your attention the most exciting products available today as well as the future technologies and smart products of a new era.
The passion for hardware and software has guided us along this path and interesting things come not only from other realms. The partners in the country with whom we work, program and develop interesting tools that are used and appreciated all over the world. We will discover and explain them here being convinced that they will change the world soon.
The GOHUB universe means technology, gadgets and accessories, which we are passionate about and that we offer you, hoping that they will surprise you in a pleasant way as they have surprised us. Our team strives to constantly provide the newest and best accessories for the most popular devices.
All come with the possibility of return in 14 days and warranty, ensuring full comfort in terms of the purchase made.
GOHUB is committed to providing excellent customer service and we aim to provide accurate and useful information through our website.
Hoping that the information presented about us is useful, we want in the future to get to know each other better and to discover together interesting products.
The GOHUB Team.
Str. Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 63, ap. 2 Cod postal 540014
Tirgu Mures, Judet MURES, ROMANIA
CUI: 32353035; Atribut fiscal: RO
Registrul Comertului: J26/1053/2013
Banca Transilvania, Sucursala TARGU-MURES
Cod IBAN: RO57BTRLRONCRT0250928901
Telefon: 0759-057588